Sunday, September 23, 2018

Social Media Antitrust Executive Order Drafted

In recent months, it has become apparent that some social media sites have an obvious bias against conservative viewpoints by employing such tactics as "shadow banning" to outright bans while promoting leftist/liberal viewpoints.

The Trump Administration is considering whether such actions are in violation of antitrust and other laws and has drafted a draft executive order to investigate.

According to Bloomberg:
(Bloomberg) -- The White House is considering a draft executive order for President Donald Trump that would instruct federal antitrust and law enforcement agencies to open probes into the practices of Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Facebook Inc., and other social media companies. 
Bloomberg News obtained a draft of the order, which a White House official said was in its early stages and hasn’t been run past other government agencies. Separately, Lindsey Walters, deputy White House press secretary, said in an emailed statement that the document isn’t the result of an official White House policy making process. 
The document instructs U.S. antitrust authorities to “thoroughly investigate whether any online platform has acted in violation of the antitrust laws.” It instructs other government agencies to recommend within a month after it’s signed, actions that could potentially “protect competition among online platforms and address online platform bias.”
Read the Executive Order draft on bias in online platforms. 
The document doesn’t name any companies. If signed, the order would represent a significant escalation of Trump’s aversion to Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies, whom he’s publicly accused of silencing conservative voices and news sources online.

To read more, go here

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