Monday, September 3, 2018

Trying Again

Above, this morning's weather. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Like Saturday morning, we went out this morning for some coyote hunting. And, like Saturday morning, no coyotes were seen or heard. We took a break yesterday.

Anyway, a nice way to start off for Labor Day.

Above, James on the lookout. Who the hell says you can't hunt wiht an "assault" rifle? Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We had some rain last night after it got dark. It seemed to have rained in the area off and on all night. James and Scott said they heard coyotes at around 6:30. I didn't. At least last night's rains didn't turn the area into a muddy mess. The ground tends to suck up any water.

Above, Scott at the ready. Photo by Aramnd Vaquer.

Today's hunt was the longest so far. We started at 8:00 and wrapped up at 10:00. Usually, we'd be out for an hour and a half. We're going to try again tonight and tomorrow morning.

Above, yours truly all nicely jacketed.

But, it still was relaxing out as we sat and waited in the clean air. At least we had some good conversation.

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