Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Yellowstone National Park Reported As "Stable"

Above, part of the terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

If Yellowstone National Park were a person who went for their annual medical check-up, this would be it.

According to an article in the Cody Enterprise:
Discussing aspects of Yellowstone National Park almost in the role of a doctor reviewing a patient’s symptoms, a new report indicates most indicators in the venerable jewel of the Park system are “stable.” 
With some exceptions, elements such as the number of acres burning, Yellowstone Lake’s level, the bison population size, and the number of gray wolves, all were categorized as stable. 
The report released last week is titled, “The State of Yellowstone Vital Signs and Select Park Resources 2017,” is a 60-page review and follows previous similar reports from 2008, 2011 and 2013. 
This report was edited by Yellowstone Center for Resources, Science Communications Program. 
Some 41 areas were examined, 21 of them called vital signs and 20 of them referred to as select park resources.

To read more, go here

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