Friday, October 19, 2018

15th Annual Gallup UFO Film Festival

Above, an inflatable alien greeted guests. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Tonight, I attended the 15th Annual Gallup UFO Film Festival at the Gallup Down Town Conference Center. It was a good way to spend a Friday evening.

Above, there were plenty of munchies (at reasonable prices) at the film festival. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It was an interesting and enjoyable event as I have never heard of the secret underground military base in Dolce, New Mexico until tonight. Supposedly, there is some sort of "treaty" between aliens and the U.S. which includes abductions and mutual research. A video on the facility was shown which included footage of an alleged UFO landing at the facility and the mysterious death of Phil Schneider, a government geologist. This was the second video shown this evening.

Above, Chuck Wade gives his presentation on seven
UFO crash sites in New Mexico. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The first video was a documentary on crop circles in England. This was also very interesting, which also included footage of an actual crop circle being formed by balls of light (the size of soccer balls, they said).

I stayed for the presentation by Chuck Wade, the founder of the Gallup UFO Film Festival 15 years ago. He spoke on the seven UFO crash sites in New Mexico. One of them is controversial as some claimed that the crash site at Hart Canyon near Aztec, New Mexico was a hoax. But tonight, it as treated as a real crash site as the ones near Roswell.

Above, Chuck Wade begins his presentation. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Wade also brought along a display box of what he claims are crash debris from some of the crash sites that he and others dug up. After Wade's presentation, I decided to head on home as I was getting drowsy (I've been up since 4:00 in the morning).

Above, UFO crash debris artifacts brought to the film festival by Chuck Wade. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Gallup UFO Film Festival continues tomorrow evening. I will most likely go to it.

Now, I am listening to the Game 6 of the National League Championship Series.

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