Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Claire McCaskill's Deceptions Caught On Video

The Looney Left Report

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) and her staff were caught in an undercover video admitting to radical left policies and saying that "people [Missouri voters] can't know that."

The Daily Wire reported:
James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released a new undercover video Monday night showing Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) and her staffers expressing support for radical gun control measures that they admit she can't state publicly. 
The video shows McCaskill and her staff admitting that she supports banning semi-automatic weapons, bump stocks, high-capacity magazines, along with supporting other far-left policies. 
Rob Mills, who works on McCaskill’s campaign, says in the video that McCaskill can't be open about her policies because "she has a bunch of Republican voters" and "that could hurt her ability to get elected."
Roughly before Barack Obama's election, Democrats used to hide their true policy plans, fearing that if the truth should come out, they wouldn't be elected. After Barack Obama's election in 2008, they felt cocky enough to no longer hide their true plans, but the election of Donald Trump in 2016 made them go back to their old ways.

To read more and see the video, go here.

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