Monday, October 22, 2018

Cold Weather Camping

Above, The Beast at Goulding's Lodge Campground. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last February, I lived in the RV for 12 days while waiting for the movers to bring my furnishings. During that time, a few snow storms hit the area. But I was nice and warm in the motorhome as I had a good ceramic space heater to keep the inside warm. I bought it in Topeka, Kansas two years ago so I can save on propane (the motorhome has a built-in propane heater).

The heater came in handy while camping in Monument Valley in November 2016, where night temperatures hit the 20s. I stayed at Goulding's Lodge Campground. One night, I forgot to unhook the water hose and the water inside froze overnight. It was like a snake with rigor mortis. I had to thaw it out over a barbecue fire.

During the tour I took around Monument Valley, it was a very cold day. Thankfully, I had a wool coat.

Above, yours truly was kept warm in this wool coat in Monument Valley.

There are other ways to keeping warm whether one is waiting for movers to arrive or traveling around in the autumn.

RV Life has 8 ways to stay warm while autumn camping.

They begin their article with:
Don’t let the cool temperatures of the fall season keep you from getting out and camping.  There are great advantages to “cold season” camping, including fewer people, fall colors, and seeing areas in different seasons, to name a few. 
With some preparation, most people can stay comfortable in cooler temperatures and keep on adventuring!
To read more, go here.

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