Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Didn't Go As Planned

Above, the Rehoboth McKinley Medical Health Care Services. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One thing about aging, the mind is willing (and feels young) but the body doesn't quite get the message.

I went to the Rehoboth McKinley Christian Medical Health Care Center in Gallup today to take a stress test. Until I stepped into the medical center, I did not know what was in store as I was not given any details or instructions. Definitely a failure to communicate here. Everything was going fine on the treadmill (my heart rate went up to 100, the target is around 140) until my left leg decided to cramp up. I had to stop.

This has been a chronic problem for the past few years, but it has been better since I've been taking Vitamin D3 and Magnesium supplements. Still, for today, it wasn't good enough.

So, I will have to go back and take a different test, one where you get an injection of some sort of medicine that is radioactive (maybe I'll have atomic breath like Godzilla when I leave) and raises the heart rate without while reclining.

The only problem with that I will have to skip my morning beta blocker and coffee (!) before I go in. I told them that I would prefer to do it during the morning hours.

At least my blood pressure today and heart rate were fine. I, at least, found that out.

Before I went to the medical center, I did manage to get some other things done. I went to Harbor Freight to get some tarps for the swamp cooler to wrap it for winter, Boot Barn for some shirts and Home Depot to see about a signpost. After the medical appointment, I did get some grocery shopping done. I was too beat to cook tonight, so I ate at Denny's at the Flying J.

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