Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Kamala Harris Says We Should Be "Welcoming" To Migrant Invader Caravans

The Looney Left Report

California Senator Kamala Harris never passes up opportunities to put her foot into her mouth. (Or maybe I should say "both feet").

She's done it again!

Breitbart reported:
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) — who is eyeing a 2020 presidential bid against President Trump — says the United States should be “welcoming” migrant caravans that arrive at the nation’s southern border. 
While campaigning for Democrats in Iowa, Harris told a CNN reporter that the U.S. response to the 7,000-strong migrant caravan of job-seekers and previously deported illegal aliens should be “welcoming” and “tolerant.” 
“We are a country that … our strength has always been that we are a tolerant country, that we are welcoming, in particular, those who have fled harm,” Harris said of the caravan. “And the idea that we’re vilifying any one group and the fear-mongering, that’s not in the best interest of our country.”


To read more, go here

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