Thursday, October 18, 2018

Kamala Harris Wants To Give Away YOUR Money!

The Looney Left Report

California Senator Kamala Harris sure knows how to spend taxpayers' money.

She just announced legislation giving people $6,000/year or $500/month, whether they work or not. More leftist redistribution of wealth lunacy!

According to the Sacramento Bee:
American families making less than $100,000 a year could be eligible for a monthly tax credit of up to $500, or $6,000 a year, under new legislation announced Thursday by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California. 
Individuals making less than $50,000 would be eligible for up to $250 a month, $3,000 a year. 
“Americans are working harder than ever but stagnant wages mean they can’t keep up with cost of living increases,” Harris, a likely presidential candidate in 2020, said in a statement. 
Harris’ office cited a 2017 survey from the website that found more than half of Americans cannot afford a $500 unexpected expense, such as a rent increase, medical bill or child care. 
According to Harris’ office, recipients could receive the money in either monthly payments or annually.

Naturally, some people (the gimmie-gimmies) who would rather get a handout instead of earning their money would be all for this lunatic's scheme. Just like pigs at the trough!

To read more, go here

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