Friday, October 12, 2018

Michelle Lujan Grisham, Who Resigned In Disgrace, Wants To Be Governor?!

If Grisham can't even run one agency - how can we trust her to manage the entire state?

When Michelle Lujan Grisham resigned in disgrace as Secretary of Health, she complained it was the "hardest job on the planet." But now she wants to be Governor!

If Grisham can't even run one agency - how can we trust her to manage the entire state?

We need a proven leader as Governor, not a failed and corrupt career bureaucrat/politician. Watch our new ad below:

Click to watch

We need to get this new ad all across the state. Can you click here to make that happen?

Every single dollar will help us run this hard hitting commercial throughout New Mexico. Please chip in now.

Thanks for all you do. Because of you we are going to elect Steve Pearce to lead our state to a better future!

Paul Smith
Campaign Manager

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