Friday, October 12, 2018

Phony Gun Ads of Xochitl Torres Small and Martin Heinrich Trying To Fool Voters

The Looney Left Report

Tim Keithley, Guest Columnist for the Ruidoso News wrote:
Have you noticed all these Democrats toting hunting rifles in their campaign ads? 
Democrat congressional candidate Xochitl Torres Small goes bird hunting in her latest campaign advertisement. Incumbent U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich basically does the same thing in his nature-filled ads for U.S. Senate. I thought Democrats wanted more gun control?

Well they do want more gun control. This is all a campaign tactic by the Democrats to bamboozle voters into thinking that they are not after their gun rights.

In both cases of Small and Heinrich, the National Rifle Association endorsed their opponents, Republicans Yvette Herrell and Mick Rich.

It should also be noted that Xochitl Torres Small says in her ads that she can work with Republicans, yet she and her left wing allies are running smear ads against Herrell with outright lies. She'll be the lapdog to her main patron, Nancy Pelosi if elected.

The Grant County Beat reported:
Ryan Cangiolosi, the Chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico, released the following statement today regarding the false and misleading attacks against Yvette Herrell by Xochitl Torres-Small and the DCCC: 
"The despicable attacks that were aired today against Yvette Herrell are not only works of pure fiction but also disrespectful to New Mexican voters. This misguided attempt is nothing more than a smokescreen by the DCCC in their attempt to conceal the fact that Xochitl Torres-Small supports taxpayer-funded abortions, a multi-trillion dollar government takeover of healthcare, and further restrictions and regulations on New Mexico's oil and gas industry. Despite these attacks, the 2nd Congressional District knows that Xochitl Torres-Small will be nothing more than a rubberstamp for Nancy Pelosi's radical agenda."

To read more on the false attack ads, go here.

New Mexico voters who are concerned about their Second Amendment rights should not fall for their dishonest ploy.

To read more, go here.

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