Tuesday, October 23, 2018

RVs and Winter

Above, The Beast in the GOCO Beast Barn. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since my Mustang is in the body shop for the foreseeable time being, I've been using The Beast as my second or spare vehicle.

Whenever it gets down to around 34° or below, I flip on the holding tank heaters and run a ceramic space heater inside the coach.

Once the car is done, the RV will be moved into the GOCO Beast Barn (for those who are wondering, GOCO means Garage of Comparative Ovations). I will run a power line from the house garage to the GOCO Beast Barn so, if necessary, I can run the heaters.

But there are other things people do to prepare their RVs for winter. It is in an article from Do It Yourself RV.

They begin with:
For most RVers, this is the time of year to lay up the rig for the winter season. 
In some areas “winter” means severe weather and below-zero temperatures, while in others it may be just the occasional hard freeze at night. 
In either case, there are a number of chores to attend to so as to protect our RVs while not in regular use. For most folks that means more than the traditional RV winterizing of the water lines.
To read more, go here

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