Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Daunting Cost of RVs For Retirees

Above, The Beast at North Pines Campground in Yosemite Valley. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Getting out on the road to see the country is a dream for many people who are at or near retirement age. Retirees who are of the adventurous sort are turning to RVs.

Many, though, are finding the costs associated with RVs to be daunting and an article in The Globe and Mail (Canada) addresses them.

They begin with:
The symbol of a retirement filled with travel and relaxation arrived last year for Bruce and Lisa Anderson of Calgary in the form of a 12-metre long package. 
That’s how big their diesel-powered Class A motorhome is – about the same size as a city bus with, as Bruce points out, a bigger weight-carrying capacity. 
It’s big enough that it doesn’t fit into some campgrounds. It’s so big it has two wry nicknames: “Motorhome” and “My Daughter’s Inheritance.” 
“Our camping experience has run the whole gamut from tent to travel trailer to motorhome,” said Bruce, acknowledging that purists might not consider it camping if you stay in air-conditioned luxury with more floor space than a small apartment. 
“As a teenager, I camped under a lean-to. At age 60, I like my house on wheels.” 
When it comes to buying a trailer or motorhome to get out into the great outdoors or just avoid paying hotel rates on vacation, the choices can be daunting and the price in the window is just the beginning of what ownership will actually cost.
To read more, go here

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