Monday, September 23, 2019

Live Japan: How To Eat Sushi Like A Local

Above, a plate of sushi in an Asakusa restaurant. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is not too surprising to see over the years how well many Godzilla fans have mastered the art of eating Japanese food, especially sushi.

I have been among many at sushi restaurants in Japan and in the U.S. following an event such as Godzilla movie screenings.

But, for those who haven't fully mastered it and are planning to travel to Japan, Live Japan has an article on "How to eat sushi like a local".

They begin it with:
In Japan, sushi is a thoroughly casual food, but even here high-class sushi restaurants are on the rise. While conveyor belt restaurants are still the laid-back places where you won’t have to worry about much, sushi bars and “over the counter” restaurants do have unofficial rules to follow! Here's what to look out for so as not to inadvertently commit a faux pas.

To read more, go here

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