Friday, September 20, 2019

Off Mustang Road

Above, on a road off Mustang Road in our subdivision. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This afternoon, I decided to take a little Jeep ride around the Whispering Cedars subdivision.

First, I cruised around the neighborhood streets. While doing so, I spotted a hill with some roads off Mustang Road located at the southern end of the subdivision. So, I headed over there.

Above, the Jeep with the hill in the background. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Sure enough, there were some roads just below the hill. They were rough in spots (like the ones we drove yesterday in and around Six Mile Canyon in the Cibola National Forest). This was the first time I had been in this area.  After driving around there for a while, I headed out.

I then drove down to the Flying J to pick up some munchies for later this evening. It was a relaxing little cruise. I can see why people enjoy off-roading so much.

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