Thursday, September 5, 2019

Red Flag: San Francisco Declares NRA A Terrorist Organization

Yesterday, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh discussed the recent anti-Second Amendment actions by Walmart in banning ammunition sales and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in declaring the National Rifle Association (NRA) a "domestic terrorist organization". And, he also noted the current campaign by leftist Democrats of enacting so-called "red flag laws" state-by-state and nationwide.

Above, Rush Limbaugh.

He has made an interesting observation correlating these red flag laws and the actions by the San Francisco Board of Lunatics.

Limbaugh said:
So the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco has declared the NRA a domestic terrorist organization. Here you have the culmination of 30-plus years of political correctness. The endgame has always been to silence any opposition and to destroy it, to define conservatism as socially unacceptable at best, and as a crime, at worst, that is punishable as a crime. 
Now, 70% of Americans don’t believe this, but in San Francisco they do. And you know who the biggest left-wing component of the Democrat Party is now? It’s white liberals. White liberals make them up. They are the deranged Democrat base. Of all the different groups… ‘Cause you got the feminazis, you have the African-Americans (which are 90, 92% voting Democrat every year, or every presidential year). But it’s the white liberals, the plantation owners in the Democrat Party that are really responsible for taking it left, and that’s who runs San Francisco. 
Now, you say, “Well, Rush, that’s San Francisco. It isn’t any big deal.” Well, wait a minute now. What about red flag laws? You know, the red flag law is, “Hey, this is gonna give us a chance to go get guns!” Even though we didn’t need red flags laws to find out about this latest shooter. We could have stopped the guy. But nobody did, like they never do, because it would have offended somebody. “He was just sick. Nobody could be sure what he was going to do.” You know, all the usual rigmarole. 
And yet the same people that excuse the guy are promoting these red flag laws, which technically, if you get a warning — if you get a good indication that somebody’s gonna go bonkers with a gun — you can go get ’em. You go get their guns. You can get them, put ’em in jail, you can put ’em away. Something like that. Now, if you think about San Francisco and declaring the NRA as a terrorist organization, if the NRA actually ends up being declared a terrorist organization, then being an NRA member would raise a red flag in San Francisco. 
And this is one way that they could keep you from not only buying a gun in San Francisco. They may be able to take it away from you. If you end up… If the NRA becomes a terrorist group and you’re a member, then you become a terrorist, and that means they can go get your gun. Now, you think, “Rush, come on. It could never happen.” Well, look at all the other things that “could never happen” that have happened and that are happening. 
But do not discount me on this San Francisco calling the NRA a terrorist group. You put red flag laws in the mix and then you, a law-abiding citizen with a gun could end up being declared a terrorist and that would allow them to come get your gun. 
Make no mistake that the left is doing that.
Have you also noticed these recent mass killers have been leftists and not Republicans or NRA members?

To read more, go here.

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