Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Egregious Taxes Causing Californians To Flee

This really shouldn't be a surprise of any sort.

Democrats deny this (or any facts that don't support their talking points), but the high taxes they've been levying on California's taxpayers are causing an exodus out of the state.

Fox News reported:
California's tax plan is "so egregious" that residents of every socioeconomic background are leaving the state, host of Fox Business Network's Charles Payne said Wednesday. 
California Democrats have raised taxes on high-income families again and again. While the left claims the measure doesn't impact taxpayer migration or hurt state tax revenue, a new study conducted at Stanford University finds the opposite.

The report reveals a 2012 income tax increase drove away many high earners. As a result, the state only netted about half the revenue gains it expected. The increase in 2012 jumped from 10.3 percent to 13.3 percent and the measured departure rate for high-income earners rose from 1.5 percent to 2.125 percent.

This is what happens when you have a one-party state and the one party is a bunch of leftist socialist Democrats. Small wonder California is being turned into a sh*thole.

 To read more, go here.

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