Thursday, October 31, 2019

New Mexico's Evil Three

We have a troika in congress from New Mexico who voted for impeachment this morning.

NM Politics With John Block posted:
On Thursday morning, Democrats voted to continue the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, with most members voting for the partisan measure. All New Mexico Members of Congress, Reps. Ben Ray Luján(D-NM-3), Debra Haaland (D-NM-1), and Xochitl Torres Small (D-NM-2), voting for the partisan measure. 
Earlier in the morning, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made a floor speech, saying “what it’s about is the truth” as she stood by the flag to introduce the impeachment vote. Pelosi dropped the names of Benjamin Franklin and other founding fathers to try and bolster her case for impeachment against President Trump

Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) took to the House floor, with a staffer attending to a printed sign emblazoned with the words “37 Days of Soviet-Style Impeachment Proceedings” as he roasted Pelosi’s sham impeachment inquiry, saying the Democrats’ resolution gives “no rights for the minority unless the Chair so designates,” and that the inquiry is being run by “Soviet-style rules.” 

Yes, Lujan, Haaland and Torres-Small support this resolution loaded with Soviet-style rules. Each of them need to be trounced in next year's election. They are the Evil Three of New Mexico.

To read more, go here

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