Monday, October 28, 2019

Not Working Out Too Well

Above, back home again. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

"This remodel isn't working out too well. First, it was the pipe break and now this!"
- Me to the girls of Denny's.

We all went down to Denny's at the Flying J for our usual coffee/breakfast gathering this morning. But when we got there, we saw yellow tape around the gas pumps, a sign at the main entrance to the Flying J and Denny's was all dark.

The problem? No power.

The girls at Denny's said the power to the travel center went out around 7:00. So, they've been sitting around and waiting for the power to come back on.

We couldn't even get our mail. For safety reasons, no one is allowed in the store and post office. Most likely, the mail probably hasn't been sorted and put into the mail boxes.

Fortunately, we have power in our community. The Flying J must be on a different power grid. I did see blue sky to the west, so it looks like the front is about to move out of the area.

I guess we'll have to go back later. 

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