Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Republicans Storm Adam Schiff's Star Chamber Kangaroo Courtroom

Today, I am proud of the House Republicans who said they've had enough of Adam Schiff's coup in the U.S. Capitol by demanding entrance and stormed the secret "impeachment" inquiry. Finally, the House GOP grew some iron spines.

This whole "inquiry" is a deceitful political ploy in an effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

Conservative Review reported:
Decrying a lack of transparency in House Democrats’ impeachment process against President Donald Trump, House Republicans gathered in the basement of the Capitol Wednesday morning to demand entry into proceedings they’ve been barred from thus far. And they reportedly got in. 
At a press conference outside the SCIF, dozens of Republican representatives announced that they would seek to gain entry to the secure room — in which the Democrats of the three committees behind the current impeachment push were conducting a deposition — by demanding to be let in as a group. 
SCIF stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. It’s a secure room where classified intelligence and other secret information is discussed. Congress’ SCIF is where much of House Democrats’ investigation has so far taken place and where Republicans not on the investigating committees have not been allowed to enter. 
“If behind those doors they intend to overturn the results of an American presidential election, we want to know what’s going on,” Rep. Matt Gaetz said while pointing to the SCIF entrance.
Even members of the investigating committees have been barred.

To read more, go here.

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