Friday, October 25, 2019

Solved My Cup Holder "Problem"

Above, the Jeep in Barking Spider Acre. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today, the weather is cooperating a little.

It is 55° outside right now. Yesterday, it only got up to around 47° and windy. There's very little wind today.

Above, the Jeep's dashboard. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I decided to drive around the area in the Jeep. I started out in Barking Spider Acre and then headed over to the new Mesa Ridge Ranch subdivision. Nobody was there.

Above, at Mesa Ridge Ranch. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I then headed up the hill in our community and then around the area.

After this, I went over to the Flying J to see if they had any cup holders that would work in the Jeep. Unfortunately, they only have the kind that hooks onto car window openings.

Above, the Gott console cup holder/cooler. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

But I remembered that I have an old Gott console cup holder/cooler that may fit in-between the Jeep's front seats. I got back home, found it and tried it out. It fits perfectly! I bought it around 1977 when I was driving a 1967 Mercury Cougar.

After fitting the console cup holder/cooler, I did some more driving around. Sometimes it pays to save stuff bought ages ago.

Not a bad day!

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