Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why "Red Flag Laws" Suck: Vet's Guns Confiscated Over A Misheard Conversation

If you thought that "red flag laws" are "reasonable", guess again!

Massachusetts has such a "license to snitch and confiscate" laws and an elderly veteran had his guns confiscated after a busybody waitress misheard a conversation.

WND reported:
There's no reason for Americans to fret over "red flag" laws that give sweeping gun confiscation powers to local governments, right? After all, if you're not a criminal, what's the problem? 
At least that's the general response voiced by many on the left whenever gun owners speak up. But a disturbing incident in Massachusetts is raising hard questions about those firearms seizure laws, especially when it comes to due process. 
According to LifeZette and The Martha's Vineyard Times, an 84-year-old veteran had his legally owned firearms confiscated by local police after a waitress misheard part of a conversation between him and a friend. 
To make matters worse, the vet was also reportedly fired from his position as a school crossing guard, which he used to keep busy after the death of his wife. 
"Stephen Nichols of Tisbury — in the Martha’s Vineyard area of Massachusetts — got the job as a crossing guard because he loves kids," LifeZette reported. "After his wife passed away, he reportedly needed something to occupy his time and his heart." 
Now he's fighting for his fundamental rights as an American. Nichols, a grandfather of 11, was apparently sitting in a local restaurant several weeks ago when he told a friend that he was concerned a school resource officer had been leaving for coffee and other errands instead of staying at the school. 
"Nichols said he was worried somebody would come in and 'shoot up the school' while the officer was out on one of his coffee runs," LifeZette said. "That’s the part of the conversation the waitress overheard — which she reported to the police."

Thankfully, he got his job back after a public outcry. I hope he gets his guns back and sues the crap out of that waitress for any expenses incurred over this travesty.

To read more, go here

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