Tuesday, November 5, 2019

CAT Scan...Without The Cat

Above, the Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Hospital. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This morning was spent in the radiology department at the Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Hospital in Gallup.

A recent check-up found a possible kidney issue and the doctor requested an abdominal CAT scan to rule it in or out. I personally don't believe there's any problem, but it is best to know for sure.

I went in with the idea that the "juice" they give for contrasting the images would be orally given. It turned out that it was to be administered through intravenous means. Well, that sounded simple. They first tried to put the i.v. in my right arm, but the vein "rolled". Then they tried my left arm. They thought they had it ("We got a flash!"), but that vein rolled.

So, they had to call in another tech to install the i.v. gizmo. He did it on the first try on the back of my right hand.

Since my episode with the stents in Twin Falls last year, needles no longer bother me like they used to. I was poked and prodded so much back then that it's no big deal. It's amazing how used to things we get!

After I was done, I headed back home. But stopped at Denny's for our usual gathering for coffee. When that was done, I headed to our fire station to vote in today's election.

Now, I get to relax at home and drink lots of water to flush out the contrast "juice" out of my system.

And, no, the radiology department isn't located next to the aquarium.

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