Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Longer Than Expected At The Flying J

Above, in traffic on a Flying J access road. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Not too long ago, I got home from the Flying J. I was there two hours longer than expected.

Originally, I wasn't planning to go there for our usual coffee gathering, but I saw that Bo across the street was heading there. I figured, if Bo can drive in the snow and ice, I can. Plus, I did want to try out the Jeep in these conditions.

Above, just after getting the Jeep out of the garage. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

All was fine until I got to the stop sign near the on and off ramps to I-40. The stop is at an upslope and it was so icy, I couldn't get enough traction to go forward after the stop. I've never seen the roads in the community so icy.

Above, stuck trucks at the I-40 ramps. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I backed up (actually rolled back) the Jeep a few feet and then put it into 4WD and it took off.

I got to the bridge and noticed two police cars blocking it on the other side. Then I saw cars going through. So I pressed ahead. On the Flying J side, I saw a massive traffic jam, but I was able to get through to go on to Denny's.

Above, trucks lined up waiting to get on I-40. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Some semi trucks were stalled near the top of the hill at I-40 and a long line of cars and trucks formed behind them.

After an hour, Bo and I were ready to leave, but we took a look and the access road was jammed in both directions. So, we decided to wait it out in Denny's.

During the time I waited around, I talked to some truckers and some of them were stuck at the Flying J since before midnight.

Finally, the New Mexico State Police arrived and got stalled big rigs out of the way with tow trucks and directed traffic.

In the future, I have to remember not to head down to the Flying J when the roads are all icy. It is now 28°, but at the time we were waiting, it was around 25°.

What a zoo!

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