Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Kitten and the Tarantula

Above, the kitten and the tarantula. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a two-hour nap (the time change wreaked havoc on my sleep last night), I went outside with a cup of coffee and a cigar on the deck to admire the view when I noticed one of P.K.'s kittens involved with something.

I turned and looked and saw that the kitten had found a tarantula. The spider was doing its best to ignore and walk away from the kitten. I approached and the kitten backed away (the kittens are still leery of me although their mom is affectionate with me). The tarantula used the opportunity to get away.

Usually, tarantulas will come out when it's breeding time. This is the first one I've seen this year. I saw several last year.

According to Western Exterminator:
Tarantulas have a mating season just like most animals do. For tarantulas, the urge and need to mate come in the fall and they become most active during the months of September and October. Of course, there are variations year after year and sometimes they come out earlier or later than other times.

Thankfully, cell phones have cameras and I took some pictures of the kitten with the tarantula.

Here they are:

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