Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Liberty Daily, The Alternative To Drudge Report

It used to be that The Drudge Report was a reasonably reliable source for news.

Not anymore.

It became glaringly obvious that owner/operator Matt Drudge has become a "never Trumper" and is catering more to the lunatic left by spewing fake news. Drudge has gone over to "The Dark Side".

The "straw that broke the camel's back" was his headlines over Ambassador Gordon Sondland's testimony before the impeachment "inquiry" of "pencilneck" Rep. Adam Schiff the other day.

Drudge's headlines relied solely on the beginning part of Sondland's testmony and totally ignored his statements that Trump "wanted nothing" and wanted the new Ukraine president to "do the right thing" as he promised during his election campaign.

I emailed Matt Drudge the following:
You need to change your headlines. Sondland did not tie aid to Ukraine to investigations. NO quid pro quo! You have it wrong based on fake news media jumping the gun. 
Armand Vaquer
No changes and no response came from Drudge.

So now I am using the "conservative alternative to the Drudge Report", The Liberty Daily.

It uses a similar format to the Drudge Report in its layout, so finding news stories of interest will be easy.

I recommend dropping the Drudge Report as a news source and get your news instead from The Liberty Daily.

To access The Liberty Daily, go here


  1. Interesting. I, too, sent an e-mail of complaint to Drudge a couple of weeks ago. Got no response, decided to try One America News Network ( on the recommendation of a certain Donsld J. Trump, and have not been back to Drudge since. I'll give the Liberty Daily a try as well.

  2. Hmm. I hadn't heard of One America News Network. I'll give that a try. Thanks! - A.
