Monday, December 30, 2019

Jack Wilson, American Hero

Above, Jack Wilson, who ended a gunman's rampage.

From the Daily Sounder:
On Sunday, during what would otherwise likely be a quiet worship service at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, an armed gunman entered the church and after talking to a man for several minutes in the corner, pulled out a shotgun and opened fire. 
The gunman, as was witnessed in recorded video of the entire incident, barely managed to get off more than a few rounds before an armed security guard standing 50 feet away from the shooter drew his pistol and fired a single shot, instantly killing the gunman with what appeared to be a perfectly placed head shot. 
Late Sunday night, reports began to emerge via social media that the hero who managed to severely mitigate the loss of life inside the church by quickly killing the gunman is reportedly identified as a local man by the name of Jack Wilson, who also happens to reportedly be a long-time, certified firearms instructor. 
“Seeing posts starting to come in that the hero who stopped the Texas church shooter is Jack Wilson, the owner of On Target Shooting Academy. From ~50ft he drew his weapon under pressure and fired one shot to the terrorist’s swiftly moving head in just 2 seconds. Hero,” a tweet posted by Caleb Hill with a picture of the reported security guard. 
Going by numerous reports on social media, the hero Texan has a great reputation in the community and possibly runs a firearms training school. There are also reports from reported locals that he’s a retired FBI employee, though that hasn’t yet been confirmed either. 
Wilson, if he was the hero who saved the day, managed to confidently and safely end the gunman’s life with one precision shot to the armed gunman’s head, which he is currently being highly praised for on social media.
If it wasn't for Wilson and others, the tragedy in Texas would have been much worse. A big THANK YOU to Jack Wilson!

To read more, go here.

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