Saturday, December 7, 2019

More Horsin' Around

Above, my next-door neighbor's gelding. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today was warm enough outside to do a little OHV driving in the Jeep.

It's about 52° outside, which helped to dry the roads that got saturated during last week's rains and snow.

Above, the gelding enjoying his treat. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I decided to stop and give some four-legged neighbors some carrot treats.

The first stop was next door to the gelding. He's still leery about people, but he'll come around in time.

Above, one of the horses across the road from Christmas. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Next, I headed down the hill near the fire station to where Christmas is penned. Before giving Christmas her carrots, I went across the road to where a couple of horses live. I gave them some carrots. They're as tame as Christmas and came right up to me, even though this was the first time I gave them carrots.

Above, the other horse that lives across the road from Christmas. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I was done there, I walked across the road to Christmas's yard and fed her.

After this, drove to the gate to Six Mile Canyon/Cibola National Forest. Big ruts were cut into Six Mile Canyon road and some of the road was washed out from a culvert that goes under Interstate 40. The Jeep was able to handle it all.

Above, Christmas watching and patiently waiting for her carrots. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While I was out, I stopped at the Flying J and got myself a cinnamon roll at Cinnabon. I took a break to eat the roll. Once done, I went out again.

Above, the Jeep parked next to Christmas's yard. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

If I am to do any OHV driving in Six Mile Canyon, I'd better do it this coming week as we only have 8 more days before it is closed for the winter on December 15.

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