Tuesday, December 3, 2019

New Mexico GOP U.S. Senate Primary Campaign

Former California Assembly Speaker Jesse Unruh famously said, "Money is the mother's milk of politics!"

Campaign money is the topic of this blog post.

Any one of the three Republican primary candidates for the U.S. Senate from New Mexico would be vastly preferable to Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, who will be the likely Democrat nominee.

They are: Gavin Clarkson, Elisa Martinez and Mick Rich.

I have met Mick Rich. He ran against Sen. Martin Heinrich last year. Now he's running for the senate seat being vacated by Sen. Tom Udall next year.

I have not decided on whom I will support during the Republican primary campaign. One major criteria that will weigh heavily on my decision will be who can raise the campaign funding to wage a winning campaign. To construct a winning campaign organization and wage an effective media campaign, it takes money. Lots of it!

It is a foregone conclusion that the radical left-wing political action committees (PACs) will flood the campaign coffers of Lujan and mount their own ad campaigns. To win, the Republican nominee has to raise enough funds to counter the smear campaigns they will wage. The left did this last year.

I have signed onto the Federal Elections Commission's FEC Notify website to get notifications on how much each candidate raises.

At present, Mick Rich and Gavin Clarkson are about neck-and-neck on contributions. There are no available reports from the Elisa Martinez campaign presently. That will change in the coming weeks.

If the Republican nominee can't raise the funds to wage a winning campaign, their campaign will be just an exercise in futility against the money machines of the left.

If New Mexico citizens want to keep Ben Ray Lujan from winning the senate seat, they have to contribute to the Republican nominee. Links to each Republican candidate's website are provided above and have widgets for making contributions.

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