Thursday, December 12, 2019

NM Public Land Commissioner Shut Out Hunters From Public Land

Public Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard has shut out hunters from public land.

Without public input or comment, the Land Commissioner has restricted access to 200 acres of land because of emails and calls to her office. Click here for the story.

She closed the land, she can reopen it. Here are steps you can take right now to help NMSSA protect hunters & trappers in New Mexico:

1. Sign our petition demanding PUBLIC input be heard before closing off PUBLIC land. Click Here to Sign!

2. Call the Land Commissioner's Office: 

3. Leave a comment for the Land Commissioner to re-open this public land. Click here to leave a comment!

When reaching out to her office, please be respectful and courteous. We want them to work with the people before the Land Commissioner changes policies concerning our public lands & to protect the rights of hunters.


Zac Fort 
President, NMSSA 
Join NMSSA Today!

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