Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Republican Party of New Mexico Press Release

The following is a press release from the Republican Party of New Mexico following today's impeachment votes:

Impeachment Vote a Travesty of Justice After Partisan Witch Hunt

December 18, 2019– Today’s vote by the House of Representatives demonstrates the latest in what’s become a years-long partisan witch hunt against the president. This vote is shameful, harmful to our nation, and the Democrats’ impulsive and biased behavior paints a sad commentary on justice, due process and a stain on American Democracy.

The Democrats have had one goal since Election Day, 2016–impeach Donald Trump.

The entire impeachment process has been political theater and an absolute travesty. Democrats deliberately made this impeachment charade a rushed process, a closed process and an unfair process. They manufactured the sham, offered no credibility to the charges, and controlled witnesses and subpoenas. There’s been no evidence of any crime. The President did nothing wrong. No abuse of power. No extortion. No obstruction. And no due process.

“The Democrats have been making up the rules and piling on the President from the beginning,” said RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce. “The bottom line is this: the Democrats know they cannot beat Donald Trump next November, so they’re scrounging up this farce. They also can’t handle the fact that our nation is doing well: record low unemployment, massive job creation and strong border security.”

The Trump Administration is responsible for: an impressive 3.5% unemployment rate, a record-setting stock market, the creation of millions of jobs, record economic growth, median household income at its highest ever recorded, massive tax cuts, a stronger military, great trade deals that benefit America, and record numbers of regulations eliminated– just to name a handful of accomplishments.

Pearce said that the members of New Mexico’s Congressional delegation, all Democrats, had subscribed to this impeachment nonsense and refused to focus on real issues that affect our great state and the nation.

“It’s shameful and disappointing that our members of Congress have jumped on board the Democrats’ bandwagon in this sham, a travesty that’s had no merit or truth. It’s been a witch hunt from the beginning and an unjustified attack on our Chief Executive,” said Pearce.

Pearce says this impeachment charade will soon hit a dead end in the Senate, where justice will prevail. He says President Trump will be acquitted quickly and reelected in 2020.

“The American people will see through this horrible impeachment witch hunt, and they will reelect our President to serve another four years in the White House.”

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