Tuesday, December 3, 2019

"The Need For Effective Civil Disobedience"

The old adage, "Right Makes Might" was true when it was first coined and it is true now. 

But even though the People have constitutional rights, protecting those rights from those radical tyrants who would trash them to make themselves "feel good" and "something must be done" is ongoing and must be done effectively.

Ammoland has a great article on "The Need For Effective Civil Disobedience" which every person who supports the Second Amendment should be mindful of. The establishment of "Second Amendment Sanctuary Jurisdictions" is a good starting point. About two-thirds of New Mexico's counties have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties.

It begins with:
Virginia/United States – -( advocacy fails, Second Amendment supporters are then faced with the hard choice: Do they comply with laws that are clearly unconstitutional, or do they disobey them? Civil disobedience is a grave step to take: Those choosing that path are risking a criminal record by defying unjust laws – and make no mistake about it, laws like semi-auto bans are unjust on both the constitutional level, as well as based on the facts.
The proposed gun ban in Virginia is one of the most egregiously unjust bans we have seen. It clearly warrants civil disobedience. 
It should be kept in mind that civil disobedience is a tool, and like all tools, it must be used properly to be effective. In essence, it is telling the government that it stands at grave risk of completely losing the consent of the governed. Such a loss of consent in the 1763-1776 timeframe led to the Revolutionary War. 
Done properly, civil disobedience can turn a country’s attitude around on an issue. See the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. That worked because it made people question the actions of the government – and it should be a model for Second Amendment supporters. When people saw the unjust laws being enforced, they were shocked and horrified at what was done in their name, and that generated support for the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
That said, civil disobedience can also be easily screwed up, and poorly-thought-out or executed civil disobedience can set a cause back for decades. There are many ways to screw it up – especially on Second Amendment issues. Yeah, shouting, “Molon Labe” and “From my cold, dead, hands” can be viscerally satisfying… but it also will lead a soccer mom freaked out about her kids’ school being shot up to support the type of harsh crackdown that could send things spinning out of control.
To read more, go here.

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