Thursday, December 5, 2019

Virginia Gun-Grabbing Democrats Kicked A Hornet's Nest

Above, Second Amendment supporters at the McKinley County Board of Commissioners
meeting in Gallup, New Mexico last February. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

By announcing that they are looking to pass gun control legislation that includes the confiscation of lawfully-owned firearms, Virginia Democrats have kicked a hornet's next and fired up the citizenry.

WTKR Channel 3 reported:
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Hundreds of gun supporters gathered at the Virginia Beach City Council meeting Tuesday night. 
They reached max capacity inside the meeting, and people were forced to stand outside of the building.

People attended to voice their opinions about the Second Amendment sanctuary, an issue that was being discussed inside the meeting despite not being on the agenda. 
A Second Amendment sanctuary is when a jurisdiction adopts a resolution saying they won’t use resources to enforce certain gun control measures that they feel violate the Second Amendment. 
Many people were wearing "Guns Save Lives" stickers at the rally.

I have great empathy for the citizens of Virginia. Earlier this year, many counties, cities and towns in New Mexico declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries against Democrat gun control laws passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature and governor. Many of our county sheriffs were big backers for these sanctuary resolutions. I attended the meeting of the McKinley County Board of Commissioners that also declared the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.

To read more, go here.

Remember, don't vote for any gun-grabbing Democrats in the next election!

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