Saturday, January 18, 2020

Democrat Legislators Take Aim At Virginia Gun Owners

For those who think that the current battle between gun owners and Democrat-controlled state government in Virginia doesn't affect them are wrong. If the Democrats are successful in making law-abiding citizens criminals with their plate of gun control bills in Virginia, it could also happen in other states.

The Fairfax County Times wrote:
The Fairfax-based National Rifle Association and hundreds of Second Amendment supporters flocked to the State Capitol this week, voicing their opposition to proposed gun control bills in the Democrat-controlled General Assembly that would literally take legal guns away from Virginia residents
Gun rights advocates, many donning blue T-shirts filled legislative offices to speak directly with lawmakers. A group of over 25 squared off outside the Capitol with Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of Fairfax, directly venting their frustration over the gun bills. 
Several attendants asked Fairfax why Democrats were pushing legislation that would potentially criminalize thousands of Virginians who had done nothing wrong
Fairfax said that he and the governor are reaching out to all Virginians and want to create “an open dialogue” between lawmakers and citizens to better address the concerns across the commonwealth. 
Gun rights advocates expressed opposition to Senate Bill 16, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, D-Fairfax, which would have prohibited the sale and transport of assault firearms and certain types of firearm magazines. 
Saslaw withdrew the legislation Monday. 
However, House Bill 961, introduced by Del. Mark Levine D- Alexandria, is seen by many Second Amendment supporters as worse than Saslaw’s original bill. Levine’s bill would prohibit the sale and transport of assault firearms, certain firearm magazines, silencers, and trigger activators, as well as outlines penalties
Critics say the bill expands what constitutes an “assault firearm.” Opponents say the bill would ban the usage of almost all common rifles, even though rifles have been very rarely used in crimes committed in the commonwealth.
Naturally, the Democrats aren't listening. They are listening instead to their leftist dogma as well as the big bucks that Michael Bloomberg bought them with.

To read more, go here

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