Friday, January 10, 2020

Gov. Northam's War On Virginia's Gun Owners

Gun owners around the country have their eyes on the state of Virginia.

There's no small wonder why this is so. The governor and the Democrat-controlled legislature are at war with Virginia's gun owners. I musr remind you that the Democrats who won last November were bankrolled by anti-Second Amendment Michael Bloomberg.

Bloomberg recently visited Virginia and said that he wasn't out to take anyone's guns. As if we'd believe that.

Stephen P. Halbrook has an excellent opinion piece on Virginia in the Washington Times.

He begins it with:
War has been declared on Virginia’s gun owners by the Democrats who recently won both houses of the General Assembly. Most notorious is Senate Bill 16 by Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw, which would impose five years imprisonment on law-abiding citizens who possess the most common firearms in America today. Among other proposed restrictions on conduct that has been lawful since Jamestown was settled in 1607, not one would penalize criminal misuse of guns. 
The firearms to be banned are mostly semiautomatic rifles with features that facilitate accurate shooting. They include an adjustable shoulder stock to make it fit one’s size, a pistol grip to enable a firm hold (the same type used in Olympic rifles), and a muzzle brake to reduce kick. Even a flare launcher is a banned feature — distress signals will be verboten. These innocuous features somehow transform a gun into an “assault” weapon in the proponents’ fantasy land.   
Throughout the Commonwealth, around a hundred counties and cities have reacted by declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries. That’s a national trend arising in states being subjected to one infringement after another on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. 
Gov. Ralph Northam, best known for his gig in blackface or a Klan hood, threatened localities with “consequences” if their law enforcement officers don’t enforce the coming gun laws. U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin proposed that Mr. Northam should call out the National Guard to bring the sanctuaries under the boot. Perhaps Guardsmen would establish checkpoints on the streets to pat down residents or conduct house-to-house searches. But don’t count on members of the Guard to do that to their neighbors.
To read more, go here

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