Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Gun Rights Supporters Flood Virginia Capitol

When tyrannical government officials try to infringe on constitutional rights and the citizens get involved in response, things do work out for the better.

In the case of the state of Virginia's gun control battle, citizen involvement did help. Somewhat.

But there is much more to do.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:
RICHMOND, VA.—Thousands of NRA supporters turned out at Virginia's capitol building on Monday in a show of opposition that pushed Democrats in the state legislature to moderate or abandon some of their strictest gun-control proposals. 
"We are beyond impressed by today's turnout," Daniel Spiker, Virginia state director for the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, told the Washington Free Beacon. "You can see the passion and enthusiasm that the citizens of Virginia have in joining us in this fight." 
The presence of gun-rights supporters at the state Senate judiciary committee hearing appeared to have an impact, as Democrats formally withdrew S.B. 16—a hotly-contested bill that would have effectively confiscated AR-15s and similar firearms—and moderated several other proposals. The NRA, however, said the changes were not enough and promised to continue to oppose the bills as they continue to move forward in the coming weeks. 
Other legislative changes advanced by the judiciary committee Monday included a modification to a proposed universal background check bill, which would now apply to sales specifically instead of gun transfers more broadly. The committee also passed a "red flag" law—which allows a judge to order a person's firearms temporarily seized—but further restricted who could file under the bill for an order for a firearm seizure. It moved a one-gun-a-month purchase limit but included an exemption for those with a gun-carry permit. Lastly, it approved a bill allowing localities to regulate firearms, but only as to whether they can be carried on local government property or during permitted protests.

To read more, go here

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