Monday, January 13, 2020

Hawaii Trip Planning Things To Know

Above, a Honolulu luau show. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Everyone should visit Hawaii at least once in their lives.

There are many things to see and do in Hawaii and The Travel has a list of 10 things to know while planning a trip.

They begin with:
Bright blue water, nice weather, greenery all around you, and delicious local food. These are the things that come to mind when you imagine taking a week-long vacation to Hawaii. 
Whether you've been before or are excited to make your very first trip, it's always good to get some advice on the most convenient area to stay, the restaurants that serve the best food, and how to fill the days that you're not lying on the beach (although you'll be doing a lot of that, too). 
Here is a travel guide to Hawaii and 10 things to know while planning your trip.

To read more go here

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