Saturday, January 25, 2020

Light Bulb Mission To Gallup

Above, the Speedway price is much better than in California. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last night, I noticed my front outdoor lamp was out. Since I was out of replacement light bulbs, I had to go into Gallup this morning to pick some up.

I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, the Flying J store had some, but they didn't. So I headed into town. Most everyone who attends our morning coffee at Denny's are out of town anyway, so I wasn't missing anything.

I was going to go to Home Depot, but decided instead to just get the bulbs at Albertson's since it is much closer. So I went there and got the bulbs.

On the way to Albertson's, I noticed three Speedway gas stations on Route 66 were selling gas for $2.209/gallon. That's ten cents cheaper than the Flying J (even with my Good Sam discount). I figured I'd fill up the gas tank on the way back.

After getting the bulbs, I was heading back down Route 66 and noticed that in the twenty or so minutes since I passed them earlier, a couple of the Speedway stations lowered their price a penny to $2.199. So I stopped at one and filled up. Not a bad way to start the way.

When I got home, I changed the bulb. I have to wait until tonight if that did the trick since the lamp i darkness-activated. I replaced the bulb with an indoor/outdoor LED bulb. I hope it does the trick since I am going to Martin Link's for our monthly dinner gathering in Gallup and I usually get home after dark and need to see where I'm walking.

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