Sunday, January 26, 2020

Meet Bloomberg

During the 2018 election, Democrat anti-Second Amendment candidates were elected to Virginia's legislature.

During that same election cycle, similar-minded Democrats were also elected as governor of New Mexico and to the New Mexico legislature.

These two states have one thing in common: the Democrats were bought and paid for by Michael Bloomberg.

From the NM Political Report:
Everytown for Gun Safety, a national gun-control advocacy group affiliated with former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, contributed nearly $400,000 to New Mexico Democrats and Democrat-friendly political action committees in last year’s election.

From Meet Bloomberg:
Michael Bloomberg’s bought and paid for Virginia legislators have wasted no time introducing legislation that would make the Old Dominion’s gun laws worse than those of the billionaire’s home state of New York. 
SB 16, introduced by Sen. Richard L. Saslaw, would create a total ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, like the AR-15. Even worse, the ban would even extend to common firearm parts. The restrictions included in the proposed legislation does not grandfather current owners. The legislation is clearly designed to be firearms confiscation, as current owners would be forced to dispossess themselves of their property or face a felony conviction.
The gun-grabbing fight in Virginia has made national news, thanks to the massive 20,000+ Second Amendment rally held last week in Richmond, Virginia.

The fight in New Mexico has started as the Democrats in Santa Fe want to pass a "red flag" gun confiscation law that is opposed by the vast majority of New Mexico county sheriffs among other anti-Second Amendment schemes.

From Meet Bloomberg:
Michael Bloomberg is one of the richest people in the world with a staggering $33 billion dollar fortune and a track record of wielding his wealth to push the rest of us around. Women are now the top targets of Bloomberg's anti-gun group "Everytown for Gun Safety"—especially mothers. The core of his campaign has been to spread misinformation and terrify mothers about guns in order to enact his radical anti-gun agenda. He has dedicated unlimited resources to his efforts. But money doesn’t always win.  
The only thing stronger than one power-hungry billionaire is the united voices of millions of Americans who refuse to hand over their hard-won freedoms. Together we will expose Michael Bloomberg for the elitist tyrant that he is and show him once and for all that America cannot be bought.
Everyone should read Meet Bloomberg to educate themselves on what he has been doing.

To read more, go here.

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