Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Norovirus Hits Yosemite National Park Visitors

Above, yours truly in the Ahwahnee Hotel main dining room four years ago. 

A place with flowing rivers, waterfalls, pine trees and majestic mountain peaks is not exactly a good place to get sick.

A rash of people have become ill with a norovirus while visiting Yosemite National Park.

Food Safety News reported:
A spate of gastrointestinal illnesses at Yosemite National Park has spurred a federal investigation. The company that runs the foodservice, Aramark, is taking a wait and see position. 
Aramark, with its headquarters in Philadelphia, has had numerous food safety issues in recent years at sports stadiums, including the stadium complex where the Kansas City Chiefs play, and other venues. Local television news stations near Yosemite reported that Aramark has received numerous complaints from visitors about poor food quality, shuttle service and other services since it began managing the park’s concessions four years ago. 
A spokesman for the company down played the current situation at Yosemite. 
“To clarify, the cause of the gastrointestinal illnesses has not been determined. HD officials are investigating the origin of the illnesses. Any reporting or classification of the illnesses as foodborne is speculation,” Aramark corporate communications officer David Freireich said in a statement to Food Safety News.   
Symptoms include severe diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and stomach pain.
 To read more, go here.

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