Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Shopping At Narita Airport

Above, Tokyo Banana cakes, a popular item for Japanese and foreigners alike. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

So you're ready to head home after your vacation to Japan and are at Narita Airport waiting for your flight to board.

However, there are a few people that you hadn't purchased a souvenir for(or for yourself).

Live Japan has the top 5 souvenir stores (many of them are duty free) at Narita Airport for some last-minute souvenir shopping.

They begin with:
Narita International Airport, the gateway to Tokyo. The duty free shop inside is the perfect spot for souvenirs with items that can only be purchased before a flight. 
This time we had the duty free staff carefully select and recommend souvenirs as well as interviewed foreigners about their purchases and products they like. This is a must-read for those who don’t know what souvenirs to bring to their friends after a trip to Japan!
Above, one of the Fa-So-La SHOPS at Narita Airport's departure terminal. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

To read more, go here

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