Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Vicious Circle

1 comment:

  1. Why try to defeat the measure? Vote for it, then vote with your feet! Move to a state that doesn't treat its citizens like milking cows. (Or chickens in tiny cages, useful only for the eggs they lay which are immediately snatched away.) If all the good, productive people go elsewhere, CA will be left with all the drug addicts, welfare bums, street-defecating homeless people, and illegal aliens they seem to love so much. Then the rest of the country can sit back and observe the ultimate result of left-wing, statist philosophy. I'm guessing it won't be pretty, buy hey, maybe North Korea, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, East Germany, Russia, and all the rest just didn't implement socialism properly, and it will work in California and turn it into a utopia. If so, you can move back!
