Thursday, January 16, 2020

Yellowstone National Park Visitation Declined in 2019, But Still Over 4 Million

Above, the Yellowstone River. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

In 2019, visitation at Yellowstone National Park saw a lot of people, but the numbers were down from previous years.

I visited Yellowstone last July.

According to Laramie Live:
Yellowstone National Park in 2019 logged its lowest number of visitors since 2014, but we're still talking about four million people. 
The park released the visitation totals on Wednesday, noting last year's number was a 2.3% decrease from 2018 and a 5.6% decrease from the record-breaking year of 2016, which marked the centennial of the National Park Service. 
Park spokeswoman Linda Veress said the centennial may explain that record year of 4,257,177 visitors because of the publicity and celebrations. The numbers have declined slightly over the years after that.

To read more, go here.

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