Saturday, February 1, 2020

New Mexico Democrats Want To Raise Gas Tax

The Looney Left Report

The Democrats in the New Mexico legislature are following in lockstep with California's wacko Democrats.

They want to increase the gasoline tax on the citizens of the state, which will hit low-income people the hardest, all the while they are sitting on a billion dollar budget surplus.

Where have we heard that before? They want to hike the gas tax for road repair. Remember, the Democrats pushed through an initiative to hike gas taxes and registration fees in California, only to have the state's governor raid those funds for unrelated pork barrel spending.

According to the Albuquerque Journal:
SANTA FE — A proposal to nearly triple New Mexico’s gas tax rate over the next five years advanced Friday, despite opposition from Republican lawmakers. 
The measure, House Bill 173, would generate more than $300 million in additional revenue by the 2024 budget year and would split the money up three ways — for statewide road repairs, a new clean infrastructure fund and prorated rebates for low-income New Mexicans. 
It was supported Friday by multiple high school-age students, who described the legislation as a novel way to fund climate change efforts. 
“Now is the time to invest in a cleaner environment, which will lead to a thriving economy,” said Tabatha Hirsch, a student at Santa Fe Prep. 
But critics said it would hurt New Mexico families and called it unnecessary with the state sitting on a massive budget surplus. 
“I am shocked that Democrats are continuing to burden hard-working New Mexicans with increased taxes,” said Rep. Jason Harper, R-Rio Rancho.
As President Reagan used to say, "They've never met a tax they didn't like...or hike!"

To read more, go here

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