Wednesday, February 5, 2020

NM Senate Judiciary Committee Passes "Red Flag" Bill

Minutes ago, the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association posted the following:
The "Red-Flag" gun confiscation bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by a vote of 6-5. Democrat Senator Richard Martinez joined the Committee Republicans in voting against the bill. The bill will now head to the Senate floor. Contact your senators ASAP to tell them to oppose the bill!

Representative Gregg Schmedes posted:
While you eat dinner and prepare to go to sleep tonight, our brave sheriffs are standing against tyranny at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. They have just received a threat of PERSONAL liability if they refuse to comply with the Red Flag law. Keep in mind this new version of the bill was never disclosed to them ahead of time. It was a cowardly sucker punch. Please pray for them and thank them for their courage.
It is interesting that the counties who declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties did so before any "red flag" law was introduced in this legislative session. By doing so, those counties put Santa Fe on notice that they won't enforce any such law that is enacted. They are disregarding the sheriffs and pushing this law anyway. The liability, it would appear, is on the Governor and legislature.

1 comment:

  1. I have called and e-mailed my Representative Nathan Small 505-986-4438 and Senator Mary Kay Papen 505-986-4733
    voicing my opposition to this! This shows they DO NOT represent us!
