Monday, February 3, 2020

Rush Limbaugh Has "Advanced Lung Cancer"

Above, Rush Limbaugh.

Fox News announced only minutes ago that talk show host Rush Limbaugh is undergoing treatment for "advanced lung cancer".

They wrote:
Longtime influential conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh announced on his show Monday he was diagnosed with "advanced lung cancer," a shocking announcement in which he said he will miss shows for treatment. 
“This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory, for me, because I’ve known this moment was coming,” Limbaugh said. “I’m sure that you all know by now that I really don’t like talking about myself and I don’t like making things about me… one thing that I know, that has happened over the 31-plus years of this program is that there has been an incredible bond that had developed between all of you and me.” 
Limbaugh then told his audience that his job has provided him with the “greatness satisfaction and happiness” of his life. 
“So, I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn’t have to tell you. It’s a struggle for me, because I had to inform my staff earlier today,” he said. “I can’t help but feel that I’m letting everybody down with. The upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.”
I had a feeling for the past two weeks that something was up as Rush missed several shows. It was described as "Stage 4" on a local radio news program.

This proves once again that none of us are immortal. That fact was driven home to me two years ago when I had to have two stents put in after a heart attack in Wells, Nevada.

My thoughts and prayers are with El Rushbo and his family for a full recovery.

To read more, go here.

Rush shares his diagnosis here.

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