Friday, February 7, 2020

The Fight Goes On

This evening, I received the following email from Zachary Fort, President of the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association:


This afternoon, the State Senate passed the Red Flag Bill 22-20. We will never back down from the fight to defeat this bill. Your right to keep and bear arms is God-Given, and there is no justification for taking away the rights of law abiding citizens.

This bill now goes on to the House. We will keep you posted on the progress of that bill but we need you to call your representatives TODAY and let them know you oppose this legislation. Not sure who your representative is? Click here to find out.

It's only with your voice that we can stop this bill.

For New Mexico,

Zac Fort
President, NMSSA 

Reasons to Oppose Red Flag: 

1. No due process - guns would be taken before the gun owner would be able to defend them self in court.

2. Taking away Second-Amendment rights without being charged with a crime - someone could potentially lose their right to own a firearm for the rest of their life without ever being charged with a crime.

3. Doesn't help people in distress - the police would show up and take their guns, someone in distress would not be connected to mental health resources and would keep any non-firearm weapons.

4. No right to public defense - unless you can afford an attorney to represent you, you will not receive one.
Join NMSSA Today!

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