Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trump Comes To Bakersfield To Rescue Parched San Joaquin Valley Farmers

Several years ago, while on the road up and down the San Joaquin Valley of California, I saw miles upon miles of parched farmland with signs put up by farmers protesting the state's mismanagement of the water supply. The signs that accompany this blog post were typical of the signs I saw.

Of course, there was a drought at the time, but the mismanagement by the state government, fully controlled by Democrats, on top of no new water storage and distribution projects, effectively shut off the water supply to the farmers in the valley. No new water projects have been built since 1979 in California. Billions of gallons of water is flowing into the Pacific Ocean instead of being stored in the state because there are no facilities built to store it.

Instead of building water infrastructure, the state wasted billions on a ridiculous "bullet train to nowhere". Idiotic regulations on ponds, streams and other bodies of water on private farm property hurt the farmers as well.

Today, in Bakersfield, President Trump fulfilled a campaign promise to help the farmers of the San Joaquin Valley.

From The Hill:
President Trump on Wednesday signed an order in California to re-engineer the state’s water plans, completing a campaign promise to funnel water from the north to a thirsty agriculture industry and growing population further south. 
The ceremonial order comes after the Department of the Interior late last year reversed its opinion on scientific findings that for a decade extended endangered species protections to various types of fish — a review that had been spurred by the order from Trump.  
Trump said the changes to the “outdated scientific research and biological opinions” would now help direct “as much water as possible, which will be a magnificent amount, a massive amount of water for the use of California farmers and ranchers.”

"It would be different if you had a drought," Trump added of restrictions. "You don't have a drought. You have tremendous amounts of water." 
“A major obstacle to providing water for the region's farmers has now been totally eliminated by the federal government,” Trump said Wednesday in Bakersfield, Calif., flanked by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), as well as Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, who helped shepherd the changes to the state’s water policy. 
Trump's order comes as the state has taken several steps to deal with the water scarcity that has lasted for decades.
Naturally, the leftists (mainly Governor Newsom and Attorney General Becerra) will be fighting Trump and the farmers.

To read more, go here.

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