Monday, March 16, 2020

No Self "House Arrest" For Me

Above, on the road next to the perimeter fence of Cibola National Forest. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Many in the media and elsewhere (mainly left wingers) are telling people to not to make any unnecessary trips and to stay indoors at home, particularly to those over 60.

Since I am in the over-60 age group, I say, "Baloney on that!" I have no desire to live in a self-imposed "house arrest". Thankfully, I have the means to go out and enjoy life and still not be around people who may carry the coronavirus. That's where the Jeep comes in handy.

Above, Christmas was ready for her close-up and carrots. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Like yesterday, I took a drive on the backroads near our community and fed Christmas some carrots. I drove by the shooting area to make sure nobody is using one of the big wooden spools as a target stand. So far, so good.

Above, on the Cibola National Forest perimeter fence road.

Today's high got to 61° and I noticed that my trees are starting to bud and green grass shoots are coming up. The first day of spring is March 20, just four days away. The winter months went by pretty fast. I'll soon have to start using the Bad Boy MZ Magnum 54 in. Zero-Turn Mower on Barking Spider Acre, which doesn't upset me at all. To me, it is not yard work as it is fun to drive.

I am looking forward to warmer spring weather and for Six Mile Canyon to reopen.

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