Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Trip To Walmart

Above, rain/snow is expected tonight. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A little while ago, I returned home from Gallup where I went to Walmart to pick up one of my medications that the doctor's office goofed up on (18 pills instead of 180).

That part of my visit went fine. I figured that since I was there, I would pick up a few groceries. Well, except for the vegetable section, every section of the supermarket part of Walmart was picked clean (or almost) of foodstuffs.

The water and toilet paper sections were barren of anything (it is a good thing I don't need any). The canned vegetable section had very few items. In one area of the canned vegetables section, there was nothing except for a small stack of canned lima beans. Well, since I happen to like lima beans, I took three cans. The only indulgence in the canned vegetables section was getting a can of artichoke hearts.

The meat section was picked almost picked clean. Except for the "high end" meats in the beef portion, it was empty. No ground beef or steaks.

The frozen chicken was a little more promising. Although I couldn't get my usual bag of frozen chicken breasts, I was able to get frozen chicken strips. That'll work!

I did manage to get food items I needed, even though they weren't exactly what I wanted. What I did manage to get will work fine.

I find it hard to believe the bottled water area was devoid of anything (a worker did have a cart of small packages of bottled water, but before he could load them onto a shelf, people were grabbing them). I don't understand why bottled water is in such high demand. Isn't tap water good enough?

There were a few things I need but couldn't get. What I might do is to go to Albertson's early in the morning and see if they have what I need, before the hoarders get there.

1 comment:

  1. The irony, of course, is that the China virus isn't causing shortages, but people are. If everyone just bought the items and quantities they normally buy, there would be plenty for everyone and the shelves would never be empty. This "crisis" has made me somewhat ashamed of my species. It's also made me more aware of what it would be like to live under socialism and/or communism, where going to the store and finding empty shelves where there should be potatoes, toilet paper, pasta, and bread is normal.
